Saturday, February 28, 2015

Ink & Paper: An Ironic Tale

“Ink & Paper” magazine is I-Poly’s premier student-driven magazine. Despite its title, this magazine will be a digital publication (so it’ll involve neither ink nor paper). My second independent component is off to a slower start than I would prefer, but I’ve been busy with the yearbook deadline and Rivas’s board game project, so I’ve had to juggle my time.

Title typography drafts for Ink & Paper. Still deciding on the tone we want for the magazine.

Maylon Day is my second-in-command, since it was brought to my attention that she was also interested in starting up a student newsletter. Maylon and I go way back, since she’s one of my sister’s longest and closest friends (Maylon is practically my adopted sister), and I’m the one who introduced her to I-Poly. Maylon and I have gathered a staff of nine people, including ourselves, to act as editors for the magazine. Jason and Madee Doctor are also on staff, who are already trained in journalism thanks to their time on the yearbook staff. So far, we have content ranging from typical pop culture fare (movie and album reviews, healthy living) to topics that may spark controversy (student political opinions, technology outlooks). I personally think we can grab the interest of about 75% of the student body, given the variety of content we’ll have to offer.

This is Maylon.

My goal for the magazine is to put out a total 3 or 4 issues, one each month until the school year ends. Ideally, I’d like “Ink & Paper” to continue next year, and become an ongoing fixture in I-Poly. The magazine club, as it may soon be called, will be like the “club attachment” for Yearbook. Drama and Debate are both electives with non-elective club memberships, and it’s about time that Yearbook had one as well. This magazine will be another element of the legacy I leave at I-Poly.

I am not one to leave without leaving an impact.

Boom. Legacy. Impact. Inspiration. Much waow.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Blog 16: Answer 2

  1. My essential question is, “What is the most effective method of managing a yearbook staff, while promoting morale and the success of the book?”
  2. My first answer is, “A successful editor-in-chief develops a shared vision with his or her staff, using the philosophy of employee engagement.”
  3. My second answer is, “A successful editor-in-chief organizes his or her staff using various media and a hierarchical staff structure.”
  4. List three reasons your answer is true with a real-world application for each.
    1. Organization establishes clear deadlines and goals.
      1. A successful magazine company knows when certain stories are happening, and when their publishing deadlines are.
    2. Proper hierarchical organization and delegation outlines what role each member plays in the staff.
      1. In government, every level of senator and official and leader has a certain, specific job they must accomplish. One person can’t maintain government spending, deal with foreign affairs, handle internal scandals, and city infrastructure issues all at once, so the work is delegated.
    3. Communication, especially when utilizing various media, allows for the staff to be up-to-date and constantly aware of dates, deadlines, and stories.
      1. When you have a group project, you always need people to communicate. Then, the group will know when meetings are, whether or not someone can make it to the meeting, what work needs to be done, and similar group project happenings.
  5. "MAESTRO METHOD: Building Successful Staff Teams." Editor Handbook, pg 44. 2014. Herff Jones. Print.
  6. "Tips for managing flexible working employees." Cornwall Development Company, 2012. Web.
  7. Bring on the final tradeshow, because I am ready. Not entirely ready, but I’m confident in my answers and my senior project as a whole.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Blog 15: Independent Component 2 Approval

Describe in detail what you plan to do for your 30 hours.
  1. For my 30 hours, I plan on creating and running I-Poly’s first newsletter magazine. The goal of this magazine is to provide the I-Poly student body with student-created content and pop culture content/reviews, through the perspective of students. This magazine will be web-based and published on a monthly basis for the next 5 months. In essence, the actual hours will be similar to what I do as Editor-In-Chief of yearbook, only in a different environment. I will lead worktime meetings with a small staff of 5-7 people, in which we will edit content and create spreads. I will set deadlines and manage the time spent during these worktimes, in order for the end product to be distributed/uploaded on time.

Discuss how or what you will do to meet the expectation of showing 30 hours of evidence.
  1. Since those working with me will be gaining community service hours for their time, I will log each worktime meeting with details of what was accomplished and for how long the meeting lasted. Evidence will also manifest in the form of each completed, published edition of the magazine.

Explain how this component will help you explore your topic in more depth.
  1. I will continue to work on my staff management and journalistic publication skills. These contributors, however, are working for a more intrinsic sort of fulfillment instead of a grade. This will change the dynamic of the staff, and require me to handle issues and other obstacles in different ways (compared to how I would in yearbook). In relation to my EQ, this component also creates a different definition of “success”. Unlike the yearbook, the magazine is published on a more regular basis and I’ll be able to receive immediate feedback from the student body regarding the magazine. “Success” in this sense will be how well received each issue is, and the ratio of readers-to-students we have. In a way, this will give me a better idea of what journalism is like in the real world.

Post a log in your Senior Project Hours link and label it "Independent Component 2" log.

  1. The section has been completed, and you can confirm this by visiting the “Senior Project Hours” link in the sidebar.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Blog 14: Independent Component 1

  1. I, Elijah Garcia, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 31 hours and 45 minutes of work.
  2. My current mentor, Shawn Strand, helped me complete my independent component. I also used management methods from the Yearbook Editor Handbook, published by Herff Jones.
    1. "YEARBOOK EDITORS: Effective Strategies." Editor Handbook, pg 15. 2014. Herff Jones. Print.
    2. "STAFF MOTIVATION: Keep Them Happy Campers." Editor Handbook, pg 64. 2014. Herff Jones. Print.
    3. Kruse, Kevin. "What Is Employee Engagement." 22 Sep 2012. Web.
    4. "Tips for managing flexible working employees." Cornwall Development Company, 2012. Web.
  3. Updated, yes. You can find the log of my independent component hours by visiting the Senior Project Hours link in the sidebar.
  4. I have completed the first deadline of the yearbook. I have done so with the help of the yearbook staff. We submitted two signatures (a signature is a group of 16 pages), a total of 32 pages. I organized elective time, created beat groups, set up training days, assigned stories to staffers, designed spreads, and helped quality check submitted content. As Editor-in-Chief, I overall led the staff to the completion of the deadline.

It’s fine to research staff management techniques and how to run an editorial publication, but this research would be useless without application. I applied the lessons from my research in  . My work with the yearbook staff has taught me things that research simply cannot. For instance, the human factor can’t be completely captured by essays or reports. Part of my duties was to work closely with the staff. I did my best to make everyone feel valued and appreciated, as well as collaborated with the staffers and editors on what direction the coverage should go. The hours I completed for this component consist of the time I spent actively working with the staff or editors towards finishing the deadline, during the yearbook elective and outside of class.

Essentially, my topic deals with organizational and people skills. This component helped me work on these skills. For example, I gave every staffer my contact information, and let them know that they could approach me with questions or comments at any time. I made myself available to them, and communication has become one of our strengths as a staff this year. I have also learned how to properly delegate, so every member of a team can be involved and no one is left twiddling their thumbs. I gave every beat group 2-3 assignments, and every editor had a specific duty to accomplish.

Below is a link to a photo album, with evidence of the completion of this component: