Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Blog 16: Answer 2

  1. My essential question is, “What is the most effective method of managing a yearbook staff, while promoting morale and the success of the book?”
  2. My first answer is, “A successful editor-in-chief develops a shared vision with his or her staff, using the philosophy of employee engagement.”
  3. My second answer is, “A successful editor-in-chief organizes his or her staff using various media and a hierarchical staff structure.”
  4. List three reasons your answer is true with a real-world application for each.
    1. Organization establishes clear deadlines and goals.
      1. A successful magazine company knows when certain stories are happening, and when their publishing deadlines are.
    2. Proper hierarchical organization and delegation outlines what role each member plays in the staff.
      1. In government, every level of senator and official and leader has a certain, specific job they must accomplish. One person can’t maintain government spending, deal with foreign affairs, handle internal scandals, and city infrastructure issues all at once, so the work is delegated.
    3. Communication, especially when utilizing various media, allows for the staff to be up-to-date and constantly aware of dates, deadlines, and stories.
      1. When you have a group project, you always need people to communicate. Then, the group will know when meetings are, whether or not someone can make it to the meeting, what work needs to be done, and similar group project happenings.
  5. "MAESTRO METHOD: Building Successful Staff Teams." Editor Handbook, pg 44. 2014. Herff Jones. Print.
  6. "Tips for managing flexible working employees." Cornwall Development Company, 2012. Web.
  7. Bring on the final tradeshow, because I am ready. Not entirely ready, but I’m confident in my answers and my senior project as a whole.

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